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Diet for gastritis or the colon -

21-12-2016 à 14:19:17
Diet for gastritis or the colon
Chronic gastritis can be treated only by eliminating the causative factor, for example, alcohol, smoking, or highly spiced or other foods that are difficult to digest. However, through the refinement process, valuable minerals are stripped away leaving behind mostly sodium chloride. Acute gastritis improves of its own accord if the precipitating factor or factors are eliminated. Excessive alcohol ingestion can also cause gastritis and erosions. Add bland foods to your diet slowly and as tolerated (cooked cereals, bananas, rice, potatoes, toast) and avoid greasy, spicy foods. Your Source for Organic, Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten-Free Recipes, Holistic Health, Cleanse and Detox, Toxin-Free Living. If you feel a salt flush is not for you, there are a variety of methods to cleanse your colon. This flush is designed to cleanse your intestines, and when done in conjunction with a healthy diet, balanced lifestyle. A Salt Water Flush, on the other hand, removes waste, including gas, from the small intestine. Medications that are well-known stomach irritants can contribute to gastritis. The inflammation may be caused by viral infection, alcohol, smoking, certain drugs, poisoned food, or stress. Gastric atrophy is a condition which is typically characterised by loss of function, namely reduced acid and intrinsic factor secretion. Acute gastritis causes vomiting, hairy tongue, thirst, severe stomach pain, and mild fever. First things first, ALL SALT is SEA SALT in some form or another. The classification of gastritis can depend on the region or function, predominantly involved. Enemas and colonics only remove waste from the colon.

Antacid drugs are recommended for the treatment of chronic gastritis. This includes sea salts such Diamond Crystal Sea Salt, Mortons and other brands that you can purchase at grocery stores, Walmart, Sams, etc. The combination of changes in the mucosa and the greater risk of bacterial colonisation in the stomach from the low acidity both give rise to gastritis, often with Helicobacter colonisation and an increased risk of carcinoma. A Salt Water Flush is a salt solution that you drink first thing in the morning. I can help you figure the best method for your body and your needs. This is all the more reason to avoid over consumption of alcohol, and seek help if necessary. Do your research and gauge whether or not your body will be able to handle large amounts of pure salt. Erosive gastritis can lead to significant bleeding of the stomach and ulcerations. This is especially true when you do a Salt Water Flush regularly, or in scheduled sequences. Salt Water Flushes can provide tremendous relief from digestive irritability, gas, bloating, cramping, etc. This is why I believe a Salt Water Flush is sometimes superior to enemas or colonics. Also, the high-quality salt used in a Salt Water flush can act as a healing agent as it works to normalize the pH throughout your entire GI tract. These include aspirin, nonsteroidal agents such as ibuprofen and pancreatic enzymes. Lack of production of intrinsic factor can give rise to pernicious anaemia from decreased Vitamin B12 absorption, giving a macrocytic (megaloblastic) anaemia. Your body cannot process sodium chloride efficiently and must use a tremendous amount of intracellular fluid to neutralize and remove it. It can occur with any major physical stress such as severe illness, surgery or burns, and therefore is referred to as stress-induced gastritis. Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining or mucosa. It requires a heaping dose of high quality, untreated salt in a large volume of water. A healthy intestinal pH reduces the amount of bad bacteria, pathogens, viruses, and fungi that create all kinds of nasty digestive issues.

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Diet for gastritis or the colon
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