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Southbeach diet and c reactive proteins -

21-12-2016 à 14:36:04
Southbeach diet and c reactive proteins
My husband wants to do the FMD along with me as support and to eat healthy. Carbs should be limited to the foods and serving sizes above. I am at 180 and would love to get to 140 but 160 may be ok. When the book originally came out, it very clearly told you to add half a portion for every additional 20 pounds you want to lose. I read your questions online and wanted to let you know that my son and I did this diet 2 years ago and we were amazed at the weight loss. should be here any day. I just got a copy of the latest printing, which says what you describe above. Below is a description of the food recommendations in the diet. I wanted to start last week but I wasnt making much headway on it. I feel like I am living again instead of just existing. Those with serious obesity may relate: there is a small window when both hope and willingness are present, and it is incredibly important to START whenever that little miracle occurs. You can eat canned foods if the food is listed as okay to eat. I started this eating pattern in late June after seeing a magazine article about it. Acorn squash is a type of winter squash, and you can have it on phases 1 and 3 of the FMD. Make sure you eat enough healthy fats each day. The principles is less carbs on phase 3 but recipe on page 217 uses same amount as phase 1. If you are eating deli meat as a snack, one portion is 2 ounces, or about 3-4 thin slices from the deli counter. I am on my 10th day and have only lost 4 lbs. I had my gallbladder removed many years ago. HCG dieting is a little extreme, and it seems that many people end up gaining more weight than they would like after finishing the regime. I also saw little things like the author has some preference for olive oil because that is what she uses as her healthy fats in phase 3 recipes. I can NOT see myself eating 12oz of meat, unless that was my only meal for the day. You could try following the diet and keeping an eye out for how you feel on phase 3. Sprouted grain tortillas and bread can be found in some supermarkets in the USA. Then phase 2 is 2 days a week (days 3 and 4). Other gluten-free grains include amaranth, buckwheat, millet, teff, and wild rice. Nitrates are pretty common in deli meats, not in fresh meats. The oats recipe says to use a cup of water but it makes it runny and unappetizing. Avoid dairy and gluten during the program to allow the gut to heal. To lose 41-60 pounds, eat double the basic portion for all types of foods. If this diet works for me, then I should be done before the week is over. That would mean a snack at 2 and lunch at 5 with a snack at 8 and dinner at 11,. You might find them in the specialty grains section of your store. and today, Friday only 2 days from the 28 days cycle goal my weight is just 53kg. Will healthy fat be open like in phase three or not. After the 3rd day, got over the detox headache from no caffeine,sugar, wheat,dairy,alcohol. I think the issue was portion control for the breads between the two phases. Look at the ingredients to see if the bread contains wheat. In the beginning of this program I made so many mistakes, but I stuck with it and I love it. I have been eating 1 cup of cooked steel oats for my grains and one orange for my fruit. Many people follow low-calorie diets, which make your body move to starvation mode and stubbornly hold on to weight. I have been completely faithful except for 1 piece of birthday cake in the second week. Check the weight per unit on the packaging. You could try following the diet using the same food groups but not exactly the same foods as listed, and see if that works for you. High in foods that support liver function (onion family, leafy greens, lemons), high in lean proteins, rich in alkalizing green, low-glycemic vegetables, high in carnitine-producing foods. thank u so much for this information. There are a couple of alternative hummus recipes in the book: White Bean and Dill Hummus, and Sweet Potato Hummus and Cucumbers. Thank you for your answers to my first posting. I have a lot to lose as I said before nearly 100 pounds. I would give someone an earful if that person wanted to start this diet, and I would insist that they purchase the book or use mine. Might not be a good idea for that reason. These page numbers are from my hardback copy. There are lots of theories about calcium and milk. Note that these vegetables are listed as okay to eat on phases 1 and 3. Know we messed up some — the plan is a bit confusing at first. I have two challenges though. But you should still avoid soy in phases 1 and 3. The guidelines for vegetarians are there because not all vegetarian proteins can be eaten on all phases. Can you let me know what is the portion size for protein and fats eaten as a snack. Surely not like one would eat grapefruits or oranges. Sorry, no corn of any type on this diet, even if organic. Eat lots of vegetables, approved fats, some grass-fed protein. There are also more ideas and recipes in the diet book and cookbook. These portions are per meal (for each meal with that food listed), not for the whole day. I have lost a total of 7 lbs. Wheat in a sprouted form is the exception. As always, this is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical diagnosis or treatment for a medical condition. not sure if I am eating too many vegetables. They make some people feel lethargic and hungry. If you need more water, add little at that time. If you want to make your own, get whole wheat berries, soak them until the root starts to come out, grind them, and use that flour instead of regular flour. Foods to eat in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 1. Also what if you only ate three meals a day and skipped the snacks, when you are used to eating only two meals a day and no snacks, would the diet still work. The Fast Metabolism Diet book does not give clear guidelines on what to do after the 28 days. Like in phase 1 I had to get used to this new routine and found myself feeling a little hungry. Phase 2 is a low-fat phase, egg whites only and no egg yolks. I am 1. As far as I am concerned, this is a miracle of the best kind: it makes sense, and it actually works for me. Choose More, Lose More for Life (2013) by Chris Powell. If you can eat seeds, you can have them instead of tree nuts. Almond milk is given as an alternative to milk for adding to oatmeal, but not as something to drink on its own. Phase 1 recipes in the diet book include Strawberry French Toast (p. I have read the Fast Metabolism Diet book and then I saw your site and I think that you have done a great job in summarising the most important points on this diet. The serving sizes for different food types are listed in each phase. Will my body just adjust to running on protein instead of carbs for energy. Portion sizes, what to eat, and foods to avoid. She only says brown rice is okay for phase 1. Every week, you follow 3 phases, and there are general guidelines. The Blood Sugar Solution (2012) by Mark Hyman. Think this would be ok for a Phase 3 dinner. Question though, has anyone got a case study or testimonial for someone who has slowed down their metabolism through crash dieting ( I usedHCG injections) with thyroid and adrenal issues. Depending on the size of the tortilla, the serving size might be 1 sprouted wheat tortilla in phase 1 and 2 in phase 3. Weight loss stopped after first day of ohase 3. See each phase (below) for phase-specific portion sizes. I have about 50lbs to lose so this could be a long journey for me at this rate. I thought he was joking, but I tried the diet anyway. I would like to lose another 7 when I start again. The book is a little unclear about avocados in phase 3, It lists them as a vegetable and also as a fat. Portion sizes in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 1. My concern is that they have sugar or beet sugar in them and the diet says the smallest amount of sugar can hinder weight loss for 2-3 days. Having said all of that, and seeing the emphasis on leafy greens which help the liver function, I would say that unlocking the liver function as stated in Phase 2 and unleashing what is there is of utmost value in this diet, and you would be just wasting your valuable veggie space with iceberg lettuce. It looks like you can have any type of vinegar except rice vinegar. Sugar binge: Eat natural sugars all day, have fruit at breakfast and fruit with lunch (no juice), change all your snacks to protein-only, have good fats for dinner, and enjoy yourself. My husband and I started this diet May 6, 2013. High in healthy fats, higher-fat proteins in moderate amounts, lower-glycemic fruits, lower-glycemic vegetables, moderate amounts of unrefined carbohydrates, thyroid-stimulating foods, foods rich in inositol and choline. I wanted to get started and had not received the book yet. Other start days may work better for you depending on your schedule. I learned from the book that I was supposed to do cardio exercise on the first two days, weight lifting the next two, and restful stuff the last three days of the week. We are having a hard time finding sprouted whole grain tortillas. HELP: I need Phase 1 and Phase 3 substitutes for Butter. , only shifted around a bit through the week. This also applies to vegetable and protein as well. I have had several employees stop me in the halls and ask what in the world I was doing to lose all my weight. Is it okay to just use the notes above instead of buying the book. The edamame ( soy beans ) are permitted on the diet as veggie protein. If every recipe had a list of what portions it contained that would be very helpful. According to the site administrator on the FMD forum, the 4 ounces of meat or poultry is raw weight. If you are unwilling to eat these, follow the guidelines for vegans, below. I have noted this increase two weeks in a row and the increase in weight happens the second or third day of this phase. Cook the tofu without fat and grill or bake it yourself, rather than buying pre-baked tofu, which is more processed. I am looking for portion size for the 5 ingredient chili. Observant folks have to open their eyes and look in the book to get it all. I am a Family and Consumer Science teacher, and while I do not have the credentials of a registered dietitian, I have taken the prerequisites which dietitians take. Do I need to be eating another half cup off grains and another half cup or half another orange. Lean poultry: chicken (skinless, boneless white meat chicken breast), game (partridge, pheasant), guinea fowl, turkey (breast meat, lean ground turkey, smoked turkey). Check to see what additives they contain and that they are phase-appropriate. So if you want to lose up to 20 lbs, use the serving sizes in the book. Eat 4 times a day, with protein, produce, fat, and starch with each meal. You can sprout wheat, other grains, and beans (e. This website concentrates on the food side of diets, so if you want more details please refer to the book. Big improvement over past attempts to lose weight plus the pantry looks bigger. Such as, 1 TBSP of nut butter and 1 TBSP of coconut oil with 2 egg whites. Losing weight, not hungry and are feeling better about our food choices. Hi, I am going to start the program next week. Thank you for making this plan so easy to follow. I think I saw somewhere in the notes that you could email the foodmaps to our emails as long as we submit them. To follow this diet, plan in advance to make sure you have the right phase-appropriate foods to hand for all meals in all phases. firstly most of the food u hav mentioned is not easly found here and when it is available it is very pricey. You could try that, and another alternative is to have a lot of water between meals and snacks to fill you up. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day. However, there is in the book a progress sheet where you register your weight on a daily basis and I have used it. I just finished week one and actually gained then lost 1. I wish these recipes and food list had more things found in my grocery store. I am planning on starting this diet next Monday. This is the high healthy-fat, moderate-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, low-glycemic fruit phase. If you want to contact Haylie directly, you can reach her through her Facebook page,. For example P1- Italian Chicken and Wild Rice- increase the chicken as well as the rice portions. Eat protein throughout the day, whole carbs, unsaturated fats, veggies and fruits. In phase 2 the only fruits allowed are lemons and limes. Tofu is made from soy, which is a legume. Z The Beauty Detox Foods (2013) by Kimberly Snyder. Way to take any profit away from the author. So I switched down to the 20 pound portion size and doubled the vegies. In order to sprout grain, you take a grain, and soak it in water. Do you have any thoughts on what I should do in this case. The foods listed here as foods to eat on each phase are taken from the diet book and the iPhone app. The only sweeteners allowed on this diet are stevia and (birch) xylitol. nutrients, The liver stores fat soluble vitamins, but it does not store water soluble vitamins. I started the diet 5 days ago and after reading through your entire blog you have clarified many of my question. now is it ok if I use the sanme type of food through out. The guidelines prohibit fruit juices, and I plan on eating all of my portions of whole vegetables and drinking all of the suggested water, but I would like to drink V8 juice because I enjoy it. Eat a diet high in prebiotics, probiotics, fermented foods, low-carb foods, gluten-free foods, and healthful fat. I had 2 small slices of sprouted grain bread and 1 peach). tastes the same to me. I was able to totally go off insulin (Novolog and Lantus) as well as eliminate the need for Crestor. Make sure you eat enough complex carbohydrates each day. Iceberg lettuce was developed to be easily shipped. Unlike literary Writers, people in the self-help space make billions. Also, why am I not eating enough, i am following the portion sizes (even without the extra calories from running, I am still not eating enough). This recipe shows the traditional way to make hummus:. If we can eat it would it be acceptable in Phase 1 and 3 or just phase 3. m. I will stick with the paleo diet as that is what this is to a large degree. and am now cycling through another 28 days. Reintroduce cheese and yogurt mindfully, keeping an eye out to see if you have any reaction to them. Hi Penny, Can you help me with this question. I can only think my body is holding on to calories the harder I push. You can eat the other condiments listed, which are low-carb or no-carb. I assume that all nuts should be measured without the shell. Hello, I am thinking about starting this eating plan but can not get my head around the plan, can anyone give me any suggestions for what to eat for the first week. 186), which contains egg white. Also, the USA has some extreme climates and may have higher use of pesticides, but pesticides are used in the EU as well. When your alarm goes off, take your pill. Good Morning Penny, I am writing to let you know that I will finish my 28 days cycle this coming Sunday. Then cycle back to phase 1 and repeat the cycle each week of phase 1 for 2 days, then phase 2 for 3 days, then phase 3 for 3 days. I am a bit confused. Sugars and carbs limited to 100 Sugar Calories a day. Also, get a copy of The Fast Metabolism Diet Cookbook for many more recipes. I have lost 36 lbs and have about 22 to go. The premise sounds great, but from all the crap info I have received over the years, my brain is just having a hard time comprehending. Is almond milk, unsweetened cocoa powder and stevia ok for phase3 for hot cocoa. Ann, I have hypothyroidism as well, however still have my thyroid. How do we know when beans are considered a carb for instance. I love the summary at the beginning. Try to eat as much as you can, balancing all the different types of foods in the same proportions as given for the full serving size. For phase 2 snacks, simple ideas in the book include deli meat, canned tuna in water, smoked salmon with cucumber, and hard-boiled egg whites. See the portion sizes to work out how much to eat depending on how much weight you want to lose. There are phase-specific salad dressing recipes in the book. I want to lose about 30 pins and would love to by Christmas. Try drinking more water to see if that helps. The Fast Metabolism App for iOS on iTunes. The protein snack portion size for phase 2 is 2 ounces (the book specifically gives that amount for deli meat, and phase 2 snack recipes are generally in that range). You can use rice milk in phase 1, but not in phase 2. 67m tall and currently I weigh 84kgs. I concentrate on the food side of diets, not the exercise side. Stir in a little salt, lots of cinnamon and sweetener. Why are the recipes randomly for 1, 4, 6, 8 people. Make sure you eat enough lean protein and green vegetables each day. Do you know where it says that in the book. Phase 1 is high carb, moderate protein, low fat. If she means 5 ounces of Tuna without the water it is still less than the 6 ounces allowed. Remember that phase 1 is high-carb and phase 3 is moderate-carb. Are you eating the portion sizes in the guidelines for losing 45 pounds. like I should eat oats whenever I have to eat grain n chicken for protein n maybe apples for fruits. As in the smoothie receipe it says that we have to blend first the steel oats to make it powder and after we add the ingredients to make the smoothie, so it is a little bit confusing as you said that the smoothies are made with cooked oats. Why not make each recipe for 1 service and then let the cook increase as necessary. If you do want to use it, mix in other leafy lettuces and spinach greens to up the nutrient value. I know that you prefer that we weight ourselves once a week. Am I able to break up my fats and proteins. The book is full of information which I did not find in this summary. And, the phases already show that vegetarians can also follow this diet than why there are guidelines for vegetarians. I have suddenly gained about 6-8 lbs and would like to lose about 10. Many have been described as a foolish waste of money. I go next week to have my BP and cholesterol checked. If you know anything about menopause, it is really difficult to lose weight, but not with this diet. Seeds (raw): chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds. For losing 41-60 pounds, I increase all portions and the ingredients in them. Have the Tuna, Green Apple and Spinach Salad recipe with a grain on the side. I really like the strawberry French toast, but the oatmeal holds me longer. I have never eaten veggies in the morning. These amounts are hard to wrap my mind around. For instance red lettuce is high in antioxidants, while Bibb lettuce has the highest concentration of iron. When you feel more comfortable with getting the foods you need, you can be more strict on the diet. I am a grazer and have a hard time eating all the food in one meal. Almond milk (unsweetened), almond cheese, almond flour, cashew milk, hemp milk (unsweetened), vegan cheddar cheese. Then add the stevia, ground cinnamon, and berries. If you plan your meals ahead of time and prep the food so that all you basically have to do is eat, this is the best diet that I have ever found. How can I substitute for these things. There are lots of reasons to buy the book, and I encourage people to do so. m. Do you usually eat rice every single day. on the website it says phase 1 is fruits and carbs. I have discovered a strange phenomenon whereby my weight reduces slowly every day or stays constant. The only exception is for vegans, who can have these unprocessed soy products only: organic non-GMO tofu, organic non-GMO soy tempeh, organic non-GMO edamame. Meat: beef (beef filet, beef steaks, beef tenderloin, lean ground beef, London broil, round steak, shell steak, sirloin steak, skirt steak), buffalo meat and ground buffalo, lamb (ground lamb, lamb leg, lamb loin chops, lamb shank), liver, pork (chops, loin roast), rabbit. They are listed as a vegetable and a fat in phase 3. Do you find yourself more tired on some days than others. You might see it on the nutrition panel and not the ingredients list, because there are natural sugars in tomatoes. This forces your body to store the excess in fat cells. I know this seems silly, but I walk up and lay in bed for awhile. You could probably replace the ice with an equal amount of almond milk, and use the same amount of nuts or slightly less. For grains oats are available tho. e. Given that, both of the strategies you suggest sound like good options. Phase 1 is a gain phase for me always 2 lbs. I saw it on the book in one of the menus for phase 3. Haylie gives guidelines about the food types to eat at each meal for each phase, and which foods are allowed. I am on my 3rd round of 28 days and I have lost 46 pounds and my health has improved. Cycling diet with 3 phases per 30-day cycle. I guess it depends on whether the food types have a synergistic effect when eaten together or not. Phase 2 of this diet allows a small amount of carbohydrate, for example fruit. I started this diet 4 weeks ago,and I have lost 15 lbs. Phase 2 is high protein, high vegetable, low carb, and low fat. He told the more I eat of the foods in order of the phases the more the weight loss. For example I am to have a can and a half of tuna in phase 3. Can we eat as much as we want of sweet potato (2lbs) in one day or is it limitted ( i want to loose 20lbs). If you have oral allergy syndrome, try eating cooked fruits instead of raw. Some of the ingredients can be found online, such as arrowroot from Amazon. This is a very high-protein, high-vegetable, low-carbohydrate, low-fat phase. My question is on each phase and the food amount. Fast Metabolism Diet foods to avoid for all phases. I think your consolidated info will help me keep from making the same mistakes again. I can tell you why not to eat iceberg lettuce. Coconut milk, unsweetened coconut, unsweetened coconut cream, unsweetened coconut milk. If you put your steel cut oats to soak in hot water before you go to bed, they are ready to cook in the morning. These portions are per meal (for each meal with that food listed), not for the whole day. The portion sizes are for each meal or snack. If you must use a sweetener, use natural ones like Truvia, Stevia, or Xylitol. If a recipe contains a gluten grain, you can replace it with a gluten-free grain such as brown rice or quinoa. On any phase, you can use any of the ingredients listed as okay to eat. I bought the book long before I found this site and I think this site is helpful for people to try it out to see if it works for them. The USA version of the book has different serving sizes. For example is the expectation in phase 1. If you usually eat a lot of flour (including bread and any other foods containing flour), sugar (and foods containing sugar), and processed food, try cutting them out for slow but steady weight loss. I am just wondering what is the difference between a purely high fat low carb diet with P3 since Haylie mentions that P3 is the key to lose fat. If anyone can help with this, it would be great. Catfish is commonly farmed, and the website advises against eating farmed fish as they could be fed soy or corn. If you do not have the phase appropriate fruit for phase day should you skip fruit or eat whatever fruit you happen to have on hand. In one of the phases the only fruit allowed is lemons or limes. What is the portions for other foods if I want to lose 55 pounds. If an individual food is a trigger for you, you should avoid that food on this program. I have energy, my apetize is controled, so I wonder what can I change from phase 1 and phase 3. Replace any meat with any of the following (but no other soy products): organic non-GMO tofu, organic non-GMO soy tempeh, organic non-GMO edamame. Then when you get to 20 pounds above your goal weight, you should go down to a single portion size. Look at the ingredients of Dole Fruit Bowls. We usually mix that with our oatmeal in the morning, and my Dr is big on the health benefits of oat bran. Will this influence my bodies reaction to the diet. But wanted to know if it is advised to weigh myself every day. Either full cleanse (green smoothies and light snacks) or modified cleanse (green smoothies and snacks and a non-smoothie meal a day). I am starting your program, but I do not eat any meat or poultry. In my copy of the book I see that the Chicken and Broccoli Bowl recipe contains 1 cup of (uncooked) brown rice, which when cooked will expand to about 2 cups. A question on measuring the pasta, dry or after it is cooked. I was on high fat diet before for 20 days, but it did not work. You can use the juice from the lemon or lime, either on the food you eat or added to a drink. Lean meat: beef (beef filet, lean ground beef, beef strip steak), buffalo meat (ground), pork (tenderloin). Regarding non fat yogurt, if I were to eat it with Avacado or nuts, does it make it any better. Try to eat the suggested portion sizes if possible. Using rice milk in your smoothies in phase 1 would probably be okay. Would love to know what others are doing. I backslid a little during Thanksgiving week and gained 8 lbs but just started diet again and lost that in 3 days. However, what is missing for me is guidelines about the combination of food throughout the day and the quantity. I thank you again for all the useful information that you are providing. However, at the end of the recipe it says to divide the rice into four 1-cup servings. A friend gave me the book after he had lost 35 lbs. Is there a website that has pictures that is easy to navigate. Snacks should be from which category or can we vary. Phase 2, Unlock, allows for the mobilization of stored energy in the form of fat, so that you can burn it as fuel. I love eating again and the weight just keeps melting off me. I can convert to grams bt I was wondering if there was something already measured in grams cause having to convert will be very rough. Yes, I did read the guidelines of the maintenance stage and they are very clear. Can I substitute the ice and nuts with Almond Milk with no sugar. Your app for i phones has more foods on it than the book I bought for this diet. Shellfish: calamari, clams, crab (lump meat), lobster meat, oysters (water-packed or fresh), smoked oysters (packed in olive oil), scallops, shrimp. Fat and protein are harder to digest than carbohydrates like grains and fruit, so by keeping these low, the body is soothed and encouraged. My blood sugars have gone from an average of 250 to 124. Is there any substitute for Tamari sauce as it is not available where I live. I also bought the cookbook as soon as it came out. You can add lemon or lime if you want to. Thanks for any thoughts or advice you may be able to give here. These portions are per meal (for each meal with that food listed), not for the whole day. My second challenge is that most of ur measurements are in ounces n pounds. I find this regimine so much easier and I am enjoying food again. Always eat at least 30 minutes before exercising. So, I assume that they are not unlimited. Unfortunately, I became pregnant at a time when I was asked by my doctor to reduce those few kilos because we discovered I have two moderate bulged discs and arthritis in the right hip and ankles. Half cup uncooked brown rice does not make 4 cups cooked rice so that we are not having the one cup grain portion allowed on phase 1 (when we divide the recipe into four portions). Is there a specific cheese that is better than others like the parmesan cheese. I am over 40 pounds overweight and 53 years old. Sometimes people have trouble loosing while eating brown rice. Or think of what you might eat for brunch instead of breakfast. This plan sounds right for me in most ways. Preparation phase: Come off caffeine, alcohol, sweetened beverages, and processed foods. The cook book does not have pictures of all the recipes. Continue drinking half your body weight in fluid ounces every day. There are a bunch of phase-specific recipes in the book and cookbook. You can also check out recipe ideas on the FMD forum at. Some people do the 28 days every quarter, or once or twice a year, to keep their metabolism trained. Overall this plan looks very close to what my nutritionist has suggested-healthy nuts and oils, lean protein, good grains, etc. This website concentrates on the food side of diets, so if you want more details please refer to the book. The portion size for phases 1 and 2 is 3 egg whites, which would be 6 tablespoons. Also, I am a runner so I run in the morning on an empty stomach (have been doing this for 2 years now) and it is normally fine but the mornings after phase 2, where you just have protein and veggies, i have been super sluggish (no carbs). I contacted the website and asked for them to send me the PDF files. The only sweeteners that she says are okay during the diet are stevia (powdered or liquid), xylitol (birch or hardwood only). Do I eat all the food categories again in every meal of the day meaning, grain, fat, protein and vegetebales. So hoping for a miracle that at the end of next week I have lost 15 lbs. Hi. Nuts and other fatty foods are only used in phase 3. If you are in the Charlotte, NC area visit the store as they do free taste tastings. If anything this website is drawing people attention to her book and will probably cause people to buy it. I am looking forward to loose 44 pounds in 1 month if not in 1 month than 2 months almost. I have been reading your book and You seem to have limited choices in Fish. Other sweeteners, including natural sweeteners like honey, are considered to be sugars and are not allowed. Also did the weight stay off once you completed the 28 days. Portion sizes, what to eat, and foods to avoid. Is pure home made pomegrenate sauce with no added sugar allowed in all the phases ( I normally add it to meat or vegetables). Even organic products contain amino acid ratios that alter the balance of the sex hormones. Instead, follow the portion size guidelines for each stage of the diet. If you can find another green chili sauce that has acceptable ingredients for each phase, you can use that instead. I started the plan about 10 days ago and have lost about four pounds. Julie is having even more trouble, skips 2-3 days then constipated. UGH, another diet that has you watch what you eat on certain days. Pumpernickel bread is traditionally a rye bread, although it often contains wheat. Seaweed is listed as an acceptable food for phase 3, but Haylie only lists wild rice (and in the app, black rice) in that phase, not brown rice. Nuts appear to satisfy both the fat and protein parts of the requirements. The Blue Zones Solution (2015) by Dan Buettner. So I was wondering how much I need to be eating. We took the month of August off due to our daughters wedding during August. Hi Penny, I was wondering, for fish, can I eat catfish. Now 2 years later, I have only put back on 5 of the 26 lbs I lost and that was recently so I just started the program again this week. The only health condition not mentioned thus far on you blog Is GERD. It must have been scary to find that out. For the first 4 pounds of weight loss, until you get to 40 pounds over your goal weight, have double the portion. Lean poultry: chicken (skinless, boneless white meat, chicken breast), turkey (turkey breast steaks, lean ground turkey, smoked turkey), ostrich. At the end of the week too I am down two pounds total. Consult your doctor before starting a new diet. Despite the fact that Haylie says that we eat a lot in the Fast Metabolism Diet, if we really count the calories, they are on average 1200 calories per day for the range of up to 20 pounds loss. I was wondering about the Tuna, I do not care for tuna and was wondering if I could you can chicken instead. Haylie says that peanut butter is one of the dirtiest products out there, as it grows in the ground and contains many agricultural chemicals. Allow me to bother you with one more question. Would love to get some if they are available. These are the portion sizes for losing 20 pounds or less (see below if you have more to lose). So this plan does work and the foods are healthy. I am on a few teams and have matches and it would be hard to get out of them. My question is This Friday and Saturday I have experienced light headedness and feeling faint. I still appreciate having the food and menu lists for the week spelled out here. By the way, beta carotene is fat soluble, unlike vitamin c which is water soluble. Another question: there is a recipe in the book (not the cookbook) for stuffed peppers for a Phase 2 dinner (p. Try to have whole veggies sometimes so you do get the fiber, though. The portions are per meal, not for the whole day. I have now noticed that we are to stay away from roasted nuts. Portion sizes in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2. The App says that egg whites are allowed in all 3 phases. Would you suggest any home made hummus recipe that will match the diet requirements. I am trying to understand why you can have ketchup but not tomatoes, can you explain why tomatoes are not listed. V8 juice contains only natural veggies in a liquid form. The worst form of dairy is fat-free, which aggressively slows fat metabolism. So how many cups of water do I need to drink. Fruits (except lemons and limes) are only used in phase 1. I got my copy of the diet and her recipe book at the library. With 1 pound (16 ounces) of beef, that would be 4 ounces per serving, which fits in the guidelines. As per the book instructions, I need to drink half my body weight in fluid ounces every day. Also, get a copy of The Fast Metabolism Diet Cookbook for many more recipes.

I am finishing my second week and so discouraged that I am seriously considering giving up, but I had to buy the book last weekend to see what I am doing wrong. In my case, this site got me curious about the diet and allowed me to start right away, albeit imperfectly, while the book was being shipped to me. It looks like the Canadian cup is close enough in size to the USA cup to use the same number. According to this diet, if you have 100 lbs to lose, you should have 3x the serving sizes given. Sunday is P3 Egg and Toast with Tomatoes and Red Onion. I am a dairy lover, especially cheese and yogurt. I have no problems as long as my eating sessions are spaced 3-4 hours apart, and I eat enough. I have medical issues and my doctor told me to eat healthy but my metabolism had shut down so I would have to just be happy with who I was. I have wondered the same thing, but I heard about the book, found this site which is very helpful, and will eventually buy the book when I get some money for it. In that phase, unsweetened coconut chips should be fine. Also, I should ask the same about pita or tortillas. What was the name of the app you mentioned that helps you with this diet. According to the USDA nutrition database and the International Tables of Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Values. Thanks for the reply on cooked brown rice cereal. For each meal, use the given portion size. Or look for them in a local whole food store. My books have not arrived yet. I have so much more energy and feel better about myself. I tried to eat the amount of food for that portion size and my stomach literally hurt for 2 days cramming it in. When you make the pomegranate sauce, I assume you crush the juice from the pomegranate and simmer it for a long time to make the flavor more concentrated. In general the diet encourages you to have whole, unprocessed foods. It clearly states to avoid soy but I also have the fast metabolism app that lists a recipe with edemema beans in it. If you want store-bought hummus (or any other food), have a careful look at the ingredient list. I was so pleased but that was short lived as I started my period this morning and I have been eating wheat free pretzels on a protein and veg day. Edith, I am confused, you are commenting on the Fast Metabolism diet page, yet, you thank Lyn-Genet (author of a different diet book). Most cold cereals have some form of unsprouted wheat, soy, corn, sugar, or dairy in them. These portions are per meal (for each meal with that food listed), not for the whole day. This is not sustainable for most of us but kudos to those who do complete this. Thanks for this forum. You should definitely use the book to get the overall recommendations. I would like to thank you for creating this diet. I have been on the diet for almost a week and have lost 9 pounds. Garlic (fresh or dried), ginger (fresh or dried). High in carbohydrate-rich foods, high in natural sugars, high in B and C vitamins. These are the portion sizes for losing 20 pounds or less (see below if you have more to lose). After 28 days, you can have organic peanut butter without added sweeteners. cant wait to finish and get started on monday. I am having a hard time figuring out what breads I can eat. g. This changes the chemical composition, which is why sprouted wheat is okay on this diet but regular wheat is not. These portions are per meal (for each meal with that food listed), not for the whole day. I also had a rough time the first few days when I started the diet with really bad headaches to the point I throw up. Stay organic, especially with dairy, chicken, eggs, and beef. I ate double, triple and sometimes more portions. You can follow the guidelines on this page to try out the diet for a short while to see how you feel with it. on the way 100 lbs more then I want. Portion sizes in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3. Long story short, the book can be a tad confusing at times. This diet claims to kick you out of that habit. I have been told that if the protein content is high enough foods like plain greek yogurt are ok. My gynecologist agreed that I reduce few kilos now that I am only 6 weeks pregnant, on a condition that the diet I follow is healthy. Hello Haylie Pomroy, I bought your book and my wife wants me to figure out what to eat but it is confusing to me. If your walk with your dog is really long, you could take some food with you and take a break to eat. My pants are looser, clothes more comfortable, so no need to go to a larger size. I work at a hospital and 3 of my 7 co-workers in my department have bought the book and are doing the diet. HELP: I need Phase 1 and Phase 2 substitutes for Mayonnaise and Tartar Sauce. I do have some crudites, soups and salads. I can also tell you that avocados are rich in beta carotene. Is it possible to get an updated food list. I just bought the app and want to start this on coming Monday. Yet 32 pounds are gone, and I am on track to banish the last 20. This book talks a lot about how diet affects your hormone levels, and the diet is designed to address that issue. 2 questions-can you eat canned green peas in any phase. Lean fish: haddock (fillet), halibut (fillet, steak), pollock (fillet), sardines (packed in water), sole (fillet), tuna (solid white, packed in water). It starts to grow, with the plant emerging from the seed. The diet has made me think about what I am eating, and I still use some of the recipes and really like the sprouted wheat bread. Beta carotene is not just a substance, but a family of substances. My daughter started the diet Monday and has lost 8 pounds this week. Spices and seasonings: black and white peppers, caraway seed, cardamom, cayenne, celery seed, chili powder, chili paste, cinnamon, coriander, crushed red pepper flakes, cumin, curry powder, fennel, nutmeg, onion salt, sea salt, Simply Organic seasoning. I plan on starting on Jan 6th, but am feeling a little worried about having to drink 114 oz of water a day, and large servings of food. There is no great replacement for the nutrients found in natural sources. My cousin told me about this diet and bought me the book. And no to the ones that are combined veggie and fruit juices. I have only lost 5-6 lbs and am feeling discourged. I wanted to know about the portion it says. So many of us who are overweight suffer from GERD. Why does everyone else seem to be loosing so much more weight. Many diets in the USA are anti-dairy at the moment. Unsweetened rice milk is okay in phases 1 and 3. I think a lot of qualified people in that industry these days do not recommend artificial supplements now. I have ordered the book but it will take a while. Yet, in the Tuna recipe I mentioned above, she mentions 5 ounce can tuna, packed in water. But what I would like to know is what brand of pretzels, and rice crackers can we have. You can use unsweetened almond milk in phase 3. If you have questions for Haylie, you can contact her directly through her Facebook page at. And the body of the recipe talks about using brown rice flour. I have ordered the book but I needed your site for the encouragement and also it makes it much easier to make a grocery list with. Even if you are just a few pounds away from your ideal weight, even fewer than 5 pounds away, keep going until you reach it. Oils: coconut oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, sesame oil, toasted sesame oil (Asian). I am having hardly any stool and it is quite different than normal. I have just been told by my doctor that I am pre diabetic and need to lose weight and exercise, would this diet be a good one to be on. To bring up my blood sugars I added some carrots to my meal instead of having fruit which in not a phase 2 veggie. She is 7 months old so she is also eating solids. soybeans), so they germinate and start to grow. Nitrate-free deli meats are allowed, and pastrami is usually considered a deli meat, so you can have nitrate-free pastrami. You can have unlimited amounts of phase-appropriate vegetables. I am on my 4th week and have lost 9 lbs but have gone the last 4 days with no weight loss is this the way it goes, discouraged was really hoping to be closer to the 15 mark. 1 c. I have been on the diet for the full 28 days and have only lost ten pounds and no change in my inches measurements. You may find that phase 2 (high carb) leaves you hungrier than the other phases. In phase 1, a serving size is 1 cup of cooked grains. Foods to avoid or limit in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2. IE does this really work to rev problematic metabolisms from over dieting and exercising rather than from the normal unhealthy habits of poor lifestyle. com. I am down 15 pounds, I am still not sure about olives. Also work out for an hour at least 5 days per week. That would be double the portion sizes listed above. Drink lots of water to help avoid constipation. am from Zambia,Africa and would like to start this diet tomorrow. We have noticed that we are both tired all the time on it. Stevia (powdered or liquid) (Truvia is listed as okay in one part of the book), xylitol (birch or hardwood only). Eat 3 carb-rich, moderate-protein, low-fat meals, and 2 fruit snacks. Also tell me in total how many calories do I have to take. Have a look at the summary of vegan guidelines above. I am into my second 28 days, after losing around 10 lbs, I feel I have stopped any progress I was making this go round, I am following it to a T, and also have been doing at least 10,000 steps a day. Does that satisfy that requirement for that meal. My normal wake up time is around 5am but I take my pre workout and m off for my run and then back home for some weight training. I was wondering if you can use any type of dressing on the salads or vegetables. I personally would use water instead of the liquid from the can. Oh, how I wish I had found your site sooner. Haylie asks that you avoid all dairy foods (including butter) in this diet. My weight when I started was 56 kg. So, thank you so very much for breaking the FMD diet down to I could start and then fill in any blanks when I receive the book. Serving size for phase 1 breakfast is 1 cup of cooked grains plus one cup of fruit. If she means 5 ounces of tuna with the water, then it is much less than the 6 ounces allowed. ) snack (a medium-sized pear), which was exactly 3 hours after my breakfast (at 7 a. You should have 60 fl oz of water every day. Avoid (except in permitted splurges): processed foods, non-whole grains, sugar, artificial sweeteners, red meat, full-fat dairy, alcohol. However, looking at the recipes, they list 1 slice sprouted-grain bread or 1 sprouted-grain tortilla for 1 serving. Fruits, brown rice, oatmeal, alternative grains like quinoa and amaranth, lentils, beans— they are all good. She says coconut sugar is okay for after the diet, not during it. The author recommends starting on a Monday so you are in phase 3 for the weekend, when the food choices are a little more liberal. You could follow phase 1 as best you can for a few days and then move on to phase 2 and start the cycles again. Note that if you can eat eggs, you can have egg whites in phases 1 and 2 and whole eggs in phase 3. I have a questions about the need to exactly 30 minutes after walking up. See the diet book and the cookbook for recipes, which you can use as suggestions for how to prepare foods. Carbs are not bad, food is not bad— if you choose healthy sources. So you can eat legumes (high carb and moderate protein) and egg whites (protein) but not egg yolks (fat). Tomatoes are listed as okay to eat in Phase 1 and Phase 3, and ketchup (no sugar added, no corn syrup) is listed as okay to eat in Phases 1 and 3 as well. Started the fmd on Monday, weighed myself yesterday and I had lost 1kg. The guidelines for higher weight loss there as well. 6 lbs and I was happy with that but just weight in this morning after my 2nd week and I am only down 1 lb: (. I just wanted to mention, in response to the above comment regarding keeping track of your weight, that the weekly meal maps have a space for every day for you to list your weight (I have the book and make copies for the week). I had success in the 4 weeks and will be doing it again. Hi Penny, I agree, your summary at the beggining of this post is great. The Fast Metabolism Diet (FMD) (2013) is a weight loss and healthy eating book. Thank you so much for the information Penny. Good Morning, I asked for help on figuring out the portions for the amount of weight I have to loose. I have a question about vegans and proteins. Penny, I have the hardest time sticking to it on Phase 2 as I simply craving something sweet. Different people have different triggers for this condition. I like to finish a meal with nut butter on celery as dessert. I am going to start the 28 day diet on Monday and had a quick question. Then phase 3 is 3 days a week (days 5, 6, and 7). That means I can have a drink during the weekend. If it helps to have specific guidelines to follow, you could try using the guidelines from phase 3, perhaps increasing the portions of protein and fat to an amount that allows you to maintain your weight. See. This weekend, Sunday the 3rd is the change fall time one hour back. Stevia (powdered or liquid) (Truvia is listed as okay in one part of the book), xylitol (birch or hardwood only). So, if you tend to get a bit fixated with your weight, you could weigh yourself once a week and instead concentrate on how healthy you feel. I have been on the diet for 16 days and lost 8 lbs which is good. Add unprocessed starch and slowly increase fat, then add other whole grain starches. Thank you so much Penny for summarizing the book. That seems fine and clear as on page 183 there is a basic recipe to follow. Drink a green smoothie or juice every day. Do you feel hungrier on any specific phase, or in all phases. The Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy (2013): What to eat and foods to avoid. Hi Penny, thank you so much for this outline, it is beyond helpful. When I get to phase 3 I want to do the same smoothie but with low GL fruits. I have 15 more to go so I am going to do another 4 weeks. Your meals should be carb-rich, moderate-protein, and low-fat, so it would be possible to have legumes and egg whites at the same meal if you wanted. My metabolism is dead so I am nervous about eating for 40 pound loss. In phase 2 she says to avoid rice, and in phase 3 eat only wild rice. Hi, thanks a lot for the summary, i have the book but the summary really helps for quick referral. Big dinner: Eat 10-15 grams of protein every 2 hours throughout the day, and get really excited about the event. I am excited about the possibilities for weight loss for the first time in years. can you tell me what to buy for the first week, give me an example, please. Do you see a problem with eating 2 portions, and saving the other portion to have an hour later. 5 pounds, putting my where back where I started. Foods to avoid or limit in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3. According to, 1 large egg is 3 tablespoons and 1 large egg white is 2 tablespoons. If sweets are your downfall and you would like to wean yourself off them, it may be a good idea to move to a full-time paleo diet. Any individual can find things which have been previously missed in this summary and our discussions. Hi all, my friend told me about this diet. Potential triggers for anxiety: gluten-containing grains, dairy, gluten-free grains, starchy vegetables, legumes. I weighed in at 385 lbs on day one and weighed 330 lbs after 28 days. So the book says you should have 7. My questions for you: Why do I feel hungry. Also are we to have a serving of grains each meal, or just one serving per day. These portions are per meal (for each meal with that food listed), not for the whole day. It said that I could have unlimited veggies. You either get energy from carbs or fat, not from protein (although protein contains some fat and a tiny amount of carbs). I followed the meal plans almost exactly as listed. The ingredients and portions for each phase are listed above, and there are a number of recipes in the book and diet book. Avoid starches, beans, most fruits, dairy, grains, factory meats, sugars, alcohol, caffeine. I have learned so much about food and the body through this diet. Just 2 teaspoons of refined sugar can inhibit your weight loss for 3-4 days. Thank you SO MUCH for simplifying the book. Preparing hummus from scratch is going to give you the most control over what it contains. Keep cooking and freezing food, and always have a stash of snacks. Haylie says that a drink once a week or so is okay. It is not mentioned as a vegetable allowed or disallowed. Hi Penny, I am a visual person and like to plan my meal by seeing them first. It looks like only steel-cut oats are allowed. I am reading the book now and I just read that the type of exercise you do HAS to follow the phases. Garlic (fresh or powdered), ginger (fresh or dried). We are in high hopes she does as well as we have. of nut butter i. I read it, but it was so much information that I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. For the last 20 pounds of weight loss, use the basic portion. Foods to eat in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2. Yes, theoretically you could eat 10 tablespoons of almond butter a day, if that was the only fat you ate and you spread it across all the meals and snacks. I will have a closer look at the portions i will eat this week. Just bought the book. Here are some examples from the recipes in the book. The doctor said if she could figure a way to lose then it would cure her health issue. Regarding this question, I have a doubt too. That takes you to the page that contains the picture, which should have the recipe as well. I was a little confused first with the portions and probably did not eat enough. She says you cancan use Tabasco as a condiment, but the green Tabasco has cornstarch. I started eating unsalted roasted almonds thinking it would be ok. I feel a lot better and I am eating a lot more and everyone is commenting how great I look. These are examples that Haylie gives for each phase of the diet. I have 35 pounds left to go to meet my goal but even then I will continue to eat healthy as this program has taught me. Avoid processed foods, gluten, corn, dairy and eggs, pork and shellfish, soy, alcohol. 209). Has anyone had a similar story and tried this. If I find myself thinking about other foods at the wrong times, I assume that I did not get enough the last time and cheat a little. I am 55 and post menopausal I have tried every diet known to man. But you could try avoiding dairy for 28 days to see how that works for you. No corn in any form. I want you to understand that I am ending phase 2 of my first week. Portion sizes, what to eat, and foods to avoid. Unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened cashew milk, unsweetened hemp milk. I am hypothryroid, have cortisol issues and just recently am having hormonal issues and am now on bioidentical progesterone. I am trying to keep an open mind eat lots of food and still lose weight. Poultry: chicken (skinless, boneless dark or white meat, chicken breast, ground chicken), game (pheasant), turkey (including ground turkey). I find this site very helpful but the book does provide a lot of interesting and detailed information along with some recipes. It turns out it was caused by dairy, and has been resolved by this diet. Have not weighed myself yet and have been very very tired. But I am a tennis and paddle tennis player and play almost every day. Also, in the Chicken and Broccoli Bowl recipe of phase 1, she mentions half cup of uncooked brown rice in the ingredients list and she says that this recipe serves 4. The directions for making the shakes are on the shakes page of the store website. So, As you have specified of taking egg whites in phase 1 and 2 and whole eggs in phase 3, that means I cannot take legumes after taking eggs ryt. Thought folks would like to know about a great find. 5 cups of water a day. We started our 28 day program this Monday. Please note that I follow the instructions of this diet 100%. I see that the food list does not include apples, but on the meal plan for phase 3 there is a tuna and Apple salad for lunch. Most cheeses (except fresh cheeses) and live active yogurts (including lebneh) are very low in lactose, which would address the issue that Haylie raises above. Just wanted to share how happy husband and I are with our new way of eating. Nevertheless, avocados help to absorb their own nutrients because of the oil, and if you eat carrots with your avocados, your avocados will help absorb the carotene in the carrots as well as its own. Health benefits claimed in The Fast Metabolism Diet. She has a health issue which causes her to gain. We found sprouted wheat tortillas and they are wonderful. Thank you so much for your advice which I will follow. Hi Penny, please help me clarify if I could eat plain minutes oats in phase 1. I plan to begin again after the new year. You have the portions wrong for over 40 pounds of weight loss. There are guidelines for vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free diets, and for a lifetime maintenance diet. Also, despite having some great organic food stores like Fairway and Whole Foods, I can find a tomato sauce or paste without sugar. Eat 3 high-protein, low-carb, low-fat meals, and 2 protein snacks. I know the book says we can have fresh, frozen or smoked salmon. First of all, thank you Penny for the amazing job you did to explain and summarize the diet. Your weight loss might slow down somewhat, but you can still eat low-carb for those two phase 2 days if you stick to these three options. is equal to 2 servings of vegetables. Haylie includes balsamic vinegar in recipes for phase 2. I am at the end of my fourth week and I plan to continue into the month of May. You can check out their products on this site. So what has happened this week compare to lat weeks 7 lb. Any other ideas for a good phase 1 breakfast that does not include a smoothie as well. I am starting day 3 of the diet and so far so good. Is nitrite free pastrami allowed, the only difference I could find between corned beef and pastrami was that one is wet brined and the other dry brined. There e no additives. Most of them contain sugar, which is not allowed on this diet, and many of them contain fruit juice, which is also not allowed on this diet. Very good. Those issues may not be the case for you. For squash and yams, include them in recipes with other vegetables and flavorful ingredients such as garlic and herbs, or in a soup or casserole. See the diet book and the cookbook for recipes, which you can use as suggestions for how to prepare foods. Avoid animal products, processed and refined foods, sugars, artificial sweeteners. I am a little bit disappointed that I only lost 3 kg. I made the creamy brown rice cereal for breakfast. I am on day 26 and with almost no exercise I have lost 15 pounds. Use this page as a cheat sheet alongside the book. I am sure it is the caffeine and sugar withdrawn. The Belly Fat Diet (2012) by John Chatham. And also can I eat wholegrain bread instead. In the book it says that we can have all types of vinager but I noticed that balsamic vinager has 3 grams of sugar listed on the label per tablespoon even though sugar is not listed in the ingredients, can we use it. However, there are many much better lettuces which are just as low in calories but have an abundance of nutrients. I will either do a quick half boiled egg whites, scrambled egg whites, protein drink or green veggies with fruits smoothie and get ready for my day. But I have had 2 menstual cycles during this. In phase 3 you can eat healthy oils, so an olive oil-based dressing without added sugar would work. My first week I went down 4. Foods to avoid or limit in The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 1. I take my time (from 1 to 1. I have started the FMD and have been on it for 4 days. So try every 2-3 hours instead of every 3-4 hours. Diet confusion, cycling diet with a change in strategy every few days. I normally do not drink milk but I like Almond Milk ( 40 calories, no sugar added) If yes, can you please advise the portion. However those vegetables are listed as okay to eat for this phase. Pour ground (uncooked) brown rice into boiling water, let it thicken, then add stevia and cinnamon, and serve with blueberries. I probably would have had a hard time losing 20, but 15 would have been very nice:). Garlic (fresh or dried), ginger (fresh or dried). Look at the recipes in the books for examples of having both protein and fat in the same meal. I listened to the whole audiobook, and I would like to own it as well (borrowed it from the library). Some people may find that because phase 1 is moderate-high carb and no fat, they gain weight during that phase. Just curious if there is any data or information for Thyroid Cancer survivors. Iceberg lettuce has a very low nutrient density. It really makes you think about what you put in your mouth. Ekekiel bread is made with sprouted grains, which are acceptable in the phases of this diet when you can eat carbs (phases 1 and 3). A health food store would also be a good bet. The New Atkins Diet Made Easy (2013) by Colette Heimowitz. For vegans in phase 2 only, the protein options are organic non-GMO tofu, organic non-GMO soy tempeh, organic non-GMO edamame. Bought the book and eager to give it a try and will start on Monday. The author is releasing the Fast Metabolism Diet Cookbook at the end of the year, which I hope people will buy to get a lot more ideas of what to eat on each phase of the cycles. Carb cycling between alternate high carb and low carb days. I am starting the diet on Monday and looking to lose 10-20lbs. 5 hours) to eat each meal, just so I can eat as much veggies (phase-appropriate) as I can (up to about 16 ounces for dinner). Another completely different approach could be intermittent fasting, like The Fast Diet, where you eat what you want 5 days a week and restrict calories the other two. We have heard others say they have more energy on the diet so we were wondering why that may be. I would also like to know if we can eat canned pink or red salmon in water. Phase 3 is high healthy-fat, moderate-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, low-glycemic fruit. Just continue to have breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up. I am wondering what should I key in for my wake up time because as per instruction, I m suppose to take my breakfast upon 30mins to an hour. Focus on 20 power foods to boost metabolism and make you feel full. I can give up sweets and salty chips, but not my popcorn. I wud love to lose 24kgs. It is just the bare-bones list, not the whole book that is given here. If you can eat some fruits but not others, choose the ones that are okay for you. The phase 1 recipes has mango puree, balsamic vinegar, cilantro or parsley, lime juice, and stevia or xylitol. Based on what you said about your weight change for each phase, perhaps you could try a paleo-style diet, which is high protein and vegetable and low starch (plus some fat, which is not on phase 2 of this diet). When I look at the veggies listed in phase 2 and see the emphasis placed on those which help the liver function. Most deli meats which are nitrate-free are labeled as such. Each week, you follow phase one for days 1 and 2, phase two for days 3 and 4, and phase three for days 5, 6, and 7. Thank you for making this so much easer to understand. The more weight you aim to lose, the bigger the portion sizes. I have just started the diet and am on Phase 3. Hi, I am looking forward to starting this new way of life but can you please clarify something for me. In the morning on phase one, may I eat unsweetened applesauce instead of an apple. Fish, including fatty fish: halibut (fillet), herring, salmon (fresh, frozen, or nitrate-free smoked), sardines (packed in water or olive oil), sea bass (fillet), skate, trout, tuna (packed in water or oil). So glad I found this website, so helpful Thank you so much. NOTE: I already know about using mustard and I HATE horseradish. However, and to my great surprise, I discovered that I am pregnant. Whichever diet you choose, take time to read through the book to find out the reasons behind the recommendations. In phase 3 on unlimited vegetables can we eat a variety of the ones listed at each meal. I wish I had some commission on all the books the employees have bought. I felt so hungry after my morning (10 a. So you should have one of the foods listed as protein as well. Some of the tricks I use for helping people deal with caffeine withdrawal are. Penny thank you for your help with portions. 5 minutes after they come to a boil and they are ready to eat. So will it start back up now that I am in phase 2 for today and tomorrow. The diet is brilliant if you follow it carefully. I have a question about the avocado for tomorrow. Breaking the Vicious Cycle (1994) by Elaine Gottschall. I agree that this site is awesome, and has been very helpful,when I run out of ideas for meals and exercises, I will probably purchase the book anyway for other guidlines. Start with high lean protein, high non-starchy vegetables, probiotics, no carbs. Are you seeing sugar on the ingredients list for the tomato sauce and tomato paste, or in the nutrition panel. Haylie says tuna in some parts of the book, and solid white tuna in other parts of the book. I have a question about the salad recipes in Phase 1 in the book. Probably best to get over the food poisoning (and eat sensibly when you have an appetite) before you go back on the diet. I use full-fat dairy in my fertility diet, and encourage many women trying to get pregnant to drink whole organic milk. My husband and I have been on this diet for almost 2 weeks now. I have been carrying my book around at the grocery store and this is much easier. Some people may find that they react badly to certain phases. The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet (2014) by Mark Hyman. Dawn, I do the same thing with my synthroid (take before bed). I am not sure what you mean by moderation. Not sure if this was asked before and sorry if it has been. but no budging. I take synthroid every morning when I wake up (my thyroidwas removed) and I am not supposed to eat for 1 hour. For salsa, look on the ingredients list to make sure that the ingredients are tomatoes and other real ingredients, and no added sugars. You tell me what to eat and the book tells me why. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day. I am more vested in giving you a fast, healthy, and optimally functioning metabolism than I am in your losing weight. Hi, So I have been counting calories in myfitnesspal along with the diet. I would still say consult your physician, but I believe you will be alright. I would like to know in P3 you may have 5 portions of fat and fat could mean 2 tbs. I am pretty sure I can do this for 3 more weeks, if not more. The 5:2 Diet Book (2012) by Kate Harrison. In our culture, many famous recipes are based on yogurt, and our breakfast and dinner have a variety of cheeses and labneh. When I click on the pictures it just enlarges the picture and when I click on the address it goes to there page with more pictures but I can not find recipes. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day. These are the portion sizes for losing 20 pounds or less (see below if you have more to lose). Spices and sea